Santa's Christmas Pitch
Empowering startups that improve children’s lives
Children are the future – so, if we want the future to be bright we need to solve the problems that children are facing. The purpose of Santa’s Christmas Pitch is to showcase startups from around the world that are improving children’s lives. We believe that purpose-driven entrepreneurs can improve the world, so we want to offer them opportunities.
10 startups will be selected from the application process to deliver a 3 minute pitch to a jury made up of experts and investors followed by a 5 minute Q&A. Public voting is powered by Choicely!
At the end of the pitching, the jury will select 3 winners who each will get to present at the Charity Gala.
I’m a startup – why should I apply?
- If selected as one of the 10 startups, you get a free ticket to Arctic15, no strings attached
- The 3 winners get to attend and showcase their startup at an evening of fine dining and entertainment at the Charity Gala.
- Gain visibility and meet potential investors / partners
- Support children
14 December 2022, 14:30-17:00 (GMT+3)
Opening Panel Discussion
Pitching + Q&A
Announcing winners & closing
Application Period ENDED on December 6!
Public Voting ENDED on December 13!
Live Pitching:
14th December 2022